So yeah, hi people! Welcome to SYAZA SYAHIRAH OFFICIAL BLOGSPOT.

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I've a very big apetite. Aku tak suka layan orang, kbye.

track traffic

Tuesday, December 14

Thats Just Lamentable

Im in a really not in the good mood right now , I dont know why . Rase nk maki orang je tau ==' well I dont have any idea with that . Cant really describe how I feel right now . Well just two words , faktap gilaaa . I was really bored , so I started to view my friends blog . To one and another , mak aihhh . Rajin gilaa diorng nie update , semangat pulak akuu . Hahaha , last night Nana mms me Zara picturee ! My goddd , comel gilaaaa lah doh . Tembam , putihh . Geram gilaa aku tngok kt fone aku mlm tdi , nk tidur pun aku tngok gambar die . Untung Zara dpt makcik hott mcm Nana kn ? Hahaha . Guess what , Im editing one picture in three software . Hahahaha , adelah certain software yang aku taktahu tp kt software lain aku tau . enth lah , nnt blaja dr atiqa jelah kn kn kn ? Hahaha .  
Nana sent to me last night , comel gilaaa duh Zaraa .