So yeah, hi people! Welcome to SYAZA SYAHIRAH OFFICIAL BLOGSPOT.

Welcome Bloggies


I've a very big apetite. Aku tak suka layan orang, kbye.

track traffic

Sunday, May 29

Dont leave me out here.

Hi! For the first is, sorry tak update tiga-empat hari ni. Okay, menukang buku. Hihi :') Well, long yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! the exam is already done. Can you imagine the whole two weeks I cant have the sweetest dream? In fact, I have nightmare lastnight. Whick told me, Maths gonna ruined everything! Omg-.- Yet, it was true. I was feeling like to cried. Okay, stop it. Mata aku maleh doh nak nangis. Hahaha.

Even though, what past is past and they won't come back and change a thing. Whatever. I just want to plow through my holiday as miraculous as Mr. Bean's. Hehehe. Ohh, big shocked! I found my old pendrive bebeh. Hihi. I go through up those folders. And guess what. Alot of miracle came into me. Okay, aku tipu. No lah. It was just like, I got sooooo many memories with others. And I read all previous update. Omjay, my eyesss-.- SHIT. Stop it, and yesterday. I wrote this one:-


And suddenly, it turns like this after I read Yezz magazine:-


Ohyaa, aku lupa. Aku mana ada LifeSaver. Eh, tak pernah ah! *kejam gila Syaza. Hahaha. Stupid me, i read all my previous post and I opened his blog. And apa aku dapat? Bodohh, langsi gila. Sakit hati je weh-.- Errr.

I'm on my way to meet my cousins, kbyee.

Thursday, May 19


“I do all types of retarded shit.
I can’t change the way I think &&
I can’t change the way I am.
But if I offended you?
Then good cause I still don’t give a fuck.”


Tak patut kau buat aku macam anak kecil, macam aku tak boleh faham semua.
Masalah dunia? Angkara siapa? Kau. Ya.

Kata tahu baik buruknya.

Kau terdesak?

Jangan begini pada diri. Sabar. Sediakan diri dengan doa, sentiasa reda dan menerima.
Ujian itu.. ujian. Hadapinya.

Kalau mati itu benda biasa, Kalau tiada dosanya untuk membunuh,
sudah lama diri ini runtuh, luluh..
reput ditelan tanah.
Mampus habis diratah.

Bila nafas berhenti, kita semua akan mengerti.
Jangan gusar, tanamkan rasa takut..
Sudah jauh kita berjalan, tiba masa tuhan dan hamba-Nya ditemukan.

Hasta lavista, Kbyee

Happy birthday!

This is Isyraf Azlan, one of my coolest friends. This best bro, this best bro. Hahaha, harini birthday sewel ni lah ken? Haha, Happy birthday weh! May god always bless you. Aku hargai kau sbg kawan, and thankss alot sebab bg aku hujah yg berbau nasihat pasal 'jantan' Hahaha. Thanks bro, this best bro :'D

Last word: Happy birthday SEWEL :')

I dont have, and I dont want any from this. Thanks.

1. Get kissed in the rain
2. Have that one hot kiss where your pressed against the wall
3. Have a guy that thinks you’re the world
4. Have a guy that holds on as long as possible when giving hugs
5. A boy that whispers he loves you in your ear
6. Have that moment where you just gaze into each others eyes
7. When you cry, he kisses your tears away.
8. When you’re not with your guy he’s all that you can think about
9. Wearing his jacket and every time you breath in, his scent surrounds you
10. A guy who will watch any movie with you, no matter how teary eyed you may get.
11. A guy who squeezes your hand
12. A boy that says he loves you and means it
13. A guy that will play her favorite song outside her window
14. A guy who is loyal
15. A guy that will sing to you no matter how bad he is at it.
16. A guy that will kiss you on the forehead.
17. A guy that will call you beautiful or adorable…not hot, fine, or sexy
18. A guy that will never judge you for how you look.
19. A boy that says cheezy stuff to you just to make u smile
20. A boy that is the same when he is with you and when with friends
21. A boy that tells you everything honestly
22. A boy that is good with your family and introduces you to his family
23. A guy that will always let you win
24. A guy who stands up for you no matter who it is against
25. A guy who calls you at night just to say ‘hi’ and see how your day has been
26. A boy who tells you that your smile makes his day and makes everything better
27. A boy who will sit on the phone with you when you’re sad, even if you’re quiet
28. A boy who you can hangout and have fun with
29. A boy that will just randomly call you for no reason at all, just because he missed you
30. A guy who will hold your hand through the roughest parts of life.
31. A guy who would love you forever no matter the circumstance.
32. A guy who wouldn’t mind you wanting to get all dressed up and do your make up for him. Even if he says he likes you better without make up.
33. A guy who you can be yourself with and he will never give a care and would still tell you that you are amazing to him.
A guy who runs his fingers through your hair, like he’s washing your worries/troubles away.

I'm sorry, I cant accept you. I have my own reason dude. I'm sooo sorry :( We were meant to be just a blast friends. Again, I'm so sorry. I dont want any 'clash' words in my life anymore. Hear me that? Okay thanks.

Wednesday, May 18

Buckle up me

Is this a call FREEDOM? Hell yeah-.- Okay so here I am. In my room, currently listening to That Should Be Me by Justin Bieber. Herrr, I cant get out my self from hearing this song for even 5minutes. Isnt that 'bodoh'? Errr, stop it lah Syaza. Aku menyampah laaa. Dengar je, haaa then it starts-.- Pikir tuu, terbayang kisah lama. Duh. Banggang! 

Satu, dua.
Tiga, empat.
Beredar lagi..

Aku dah kata. Jangan percaya dengan belas kasih dunia yang penuh muslihat. Satu hari dia baik, esok lusa dia membabikan kita. Ya, aku tau aku manusia bikin banyak masalah. Tapi itu aku punya hal, aku punya kata akhir. Mana datang benci, mana datang tikam belakang, depan, kanan, kiri.. Dari kesilapan sendiri juga sebab memberi lesen kepercayaan.

Bila berjaya, tunjuk hormat, kasi tabik sama dia. Tinggikan dada tanda bangga. Sukses, sukses. Satu mangsa jatuh. Bersedia untuk 'hentaman' seterusnya.

Bagi mata kau sendiri pencapaian kau itu satu kebangaan, satu.. kejayaan yang boleh melumpuhkan semangat.. boleh menjatuhkan maruah.

Tapi sedarkah kau? 'Pencapaian' itu lah salah satu dari 70 dosa besar.

Aku boleh buat apa? Senyum saja. Nak lawan tak boleh, saja nak jadi lebih matang. Kerja sudahpun dilaksanakan dengan sempurna. Nak babikan balik buat apa? Mengundang banyak masalah lagi. Bosan betul.

Apa-apa pun..

Terbaik untuk awak. Tahniah.

Bodoh. Sarkastik gila.

Monday, May 16


I've moved to :
More to Tumblr :

Sunday, May 15

I'm not yours to keep

So here I am, after one week not to updating ANY post as the past. Yeah, this is currently my quick post before I go bed.  First for all. HAPPY TEACHERS DAY TO ALL MY TEACHERS :* This week currently my hectic week I guess. My mid-term exam will be this Wednesday. Ohmyy-.- What the holly?! So things need to be settle up like ''Foliosss'' is almost done! YIII.  And all preparations for exam, huhh insyallah I'm ready to warr! Harharhar. Nothing much happend today. Yeahh, totally boringggg-.- 

And again, this is horrible! I got fever. Ahh, coughing all the time. Sumpah menyampah ah! Nak exam mesti sakit. Haih-.- Whattheeee. Okay, I have screw up my mind. That I'll delete him from my mind, yaa. It's not that easy. But, I'll keep harder to delete it :) Enough of it, I can survive on my own without any peoples sent me 'iloveyoubaby' ahh shitty. And now, I just realize. Single pun ada bnyk masalah. Tak jadi problem untuk aku survive hidup. Sebab aku tahu, mama babah ada :') And also friends. So, I have grew up already! 

Macam Amirul, he said to me that ''rempit pun boleh hidup lah-.-'' And Imma said it loud? 
Single pun boleh hidup ah!

Thursday, May 5

Hint Me!

Hey, so sorry for not updating my blog for almost 1 months. I got alot of things to do with. Plus, I got no mood to write about. So, I just stick on my Tumblr ;) Oh yaa, everybody. I kinda moved to Tumblr. Visit this to get my Tumblr

Okay, now wassup with my life? Nothing to discover on. But, I got nothing else in my life now. Seriously, I dont know what I've done. But people ANTI me just like that. Urghh. So sorry la, if I done with my foolish mistakes. Jangan lah benci aku kay? Aku ni hina sangat ke sampai macam tu sekali korang nak pinggirkan aku? I'm not going to accuse somebody else in this problems. So, jangan nak tuduh aku je!

Mid year exam is around the corner. So, wake up everybody! Prays for me for colours result :)