Monday, March 28
Silly Dreamer
Hey, I just got back from tuition. Mhm, and yeah. Wth, Im telling you all this? Gahhh-.- Okay i was suppose to study last night. But I got all hooked up with the computer. I sat there for hours and hours. Its was 2am, and that's when my dad had to say 'dah sudahh sudah, go to sleep' haha whateves. So yeah i went back to my room. I was just on my way to jump on my precious bed, and just fall aslepp just within 3minutes. So, I swore myself to woke up in 4am and study. Tak akan boleh punyalah wehh <----- Syazana said. And guess what. That's is sooo true! Gila apa? Texting sampai tengah malam ada hati nak bangun awal pagi belajar. Choii -.-
School was fine, nothing much to be discover. Pretty much bored. In Science class tuition, probaly Im not paying 100% attention. Raziq non stop bulying me -.- Errr, I was trying my best not to fall asleep. But, I did at last period (BI) Mengantuk gila-.- Tak tahu kenapa duh. Yaa, takling about exam result (ARGH) Nooo, please. Ya allah, sumpah ah teruk kali ni! Okay, Im out of here. Close my blog, because I found that.. This is much bored for you! Kbye.
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Friday, March 25
Humoring With Your Teacher
-They told me at the blood bank this might happen.
-This is just a 15 minute power-nap like they raved about in that time management course you sent me to.
-Whew! Guess I left the top off the White-Out. You probably got here just in time!
-I wasn't sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm.
-I was testing my keyboard for drool resistance.
-I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work-related stress. Are you discriminatory toward people who practice Yoga?
-Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured out a solution to our biggest problem.
-The coffee machine is broken...
-Someone must've put decaf in the wrong pot...
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Thursday, March 24
Stranger: Kau edit gambar guna apa? Photoshop ke Paint?
Stranger: Tahu lah komputer, tapi software apa?
Me: *Chat offline*
Harharhar! Sorry, I have no time to give what type of software I used to editing all my photos. Cause, I know. All my photos are damn uglyyyy! Hahaha, you can search by yourself at Google man. Simple one, belambak ah nanti list software keluar.
p/s: Saya bukan sombong atau berlagak so do you think and so on. Aku dah cakap dekat about me 'Malas layan orang' specific sahaja saya layan k. Bye :)
Stranger: Tahu lah komputer, tapi software apa?
Me: *Chat offline*
Harharhar! Sorry, I have no time to give what type of software I used to editing all my photos. Cause, I know. All my photos are damn uglyyyy! Hahaha, you can search by yourself at Google man. Simple one, belambak ah nanti list software keluar.
p/s: Saya bukan sombong atau berlagak so do you think and so on. Aku dah cakap dekat about me 'Malas layan orang' specific sahaja saya layan k. Bye :)
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Tuesday, March 22
That should be me
Me: Kau balik pukul berapa mnggu dpn?- Adik: Hari-hari balik lmbt.
- Me: Babiik! Urghh
- Mama: Kenapa?
- Me: Takutla nak balik jalan sorang-sorang, minah ni tak ada. Kawat lah apelah-.-
- Mama: Mama amik akak, tunggu kat sekolah. Jgn naik pakcik.
- Me: Yiiii :) Hahaha!
This conversation between me, adik and mama. We're enjoying our dish, suddenly my heart bounce. How Imma going facing my day after this ea? Insteadly, my mind was like 'Tak nak pergi sekolah!' Takuttttt lah balik nanti, dah lah sorang-sorang. Sumpah fobia duh-.- Every step that I take, every step that I saw behind me.. Oh, god only knows how I feels. Freaking damn!
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Hahaha xD
Fav quotes
- JFK itu nama orang atau nama kapal terbang?
- Ya allah, comelnya budak itu. Rasa macam nak sepak-sepak je.
- JFK itu nama orang atau nama kapal terbang?
- Ya allah, comelnya budak itu. Rasa macam nak sepak-sepak je.
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Sorry From Me :(
So, hi people! I'm not going to school today, great headache! Yeah, cool aite? Haha, so I just staying in this freak house. Ohmy, nak pergi sekolah! Nak amik kertas periksaaaa :( But, it's okay then. Still have tomorrow. Hoping a pretty good result for my Khb.
Nothing looking good today. Lastnight, urghh-.- Okay, let me just be straight to the point. Zulfiqar Nasha--- Sorry from me :( I know it's my fault. Pleaseee, forgive me :( Prettey pleaseee?
Dear sweetheart,
So, here I am no more fighting. Sumpah taknak! You have experienced to being love, to love and be love, happy, sad. And all these are experience will definitely help you tu grow up. Let's go sweetheart. Have the courage to accept the change. That's it, nothing to be change on us.
I love you Zulfiqar_____________________________♥
Sorry from me :(
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Nice One,
Hii, so here some quick short post. Kinda in hurry. And currently out of mood, actually my mood in schl is totally suck! But try to cheers, and there's pretty bitch that is not appreciate what I'm doing. Aku senyum, balas lah dengan senyum. Tak payah nak buat muka, I'm totally sick of that. Tak habis-habis buat muka, dgn orang lain kau chill. Gelak-gelak ape semua. But then, with me? FAK ya :) Dengan aku, kau buat muka. Nice one weh! :) Best gilooo duh-.-
Aku ada perasaan. Kenapa orang selalu anggap aku tkde perasaan? Aku sibuk jaga perasaan orang, perasaan aku siapa nak jaga? Aku manusia. Aku bukan haiwan. Aku nampak mcm haiwan ke? Oh tidak, aku manusia mcm korang. Tetapi kenapa nasib aku mcm ni? Aku mengaku aku pendam perasaan. Aku tak suka luah kan. Kenapa? Pasal aku tak nak sesiapa terluka, tapi apa aku dapat? Orang lagi buat cerita tentang aku. Cakap aku mcm mcm. Mana sakit kan. Mana pedih kan. Tipu laa kalau aku ckp aku okay dgn semua bnda ni, dah biasa or whatever. SAKIT WEH. SUMPAH AKU CKP SAKIT. Gentle tak tipu. Kalau aku luah kan panjang panjang mcm karangan 350 patah perkataan pun tkde guna. Nothing will change so bye
Kaybyeee, out of mood.
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Monday, March 21
Take a break
Wassup, bloggers? Sorry I haven't updated my blog lately. I've got lots of other things to do right now. Kinda busy with real life, school, drama and yada yadaa all those usual stuff lahh -.- I've just signed up on tumblr just now, yeayy me. Haha. Well dont worry, im not gonna ditch blogspot okay. Im still using this one too :)
I'm sick with all this bullshit. Seriously kenapa banyak sangat dugaan? I'm not strong enough. I'm tired to fake a smile, I'm tired act like there's nothing happen. I don't want broken heart. Its hurt. Its really damn hurt. Please duh, jangan seksa aku :)
Yiii, badan panas je sehari ni. Idk why, takpelah. Aku sakit mane ade orang kesah sekarang :D Cheers. Mati pun lagi lah tak ade orang kesah :D Hahaha, stop it. Aku malas nak layan ni semua. Lantakkkk kau lah kan :) Just got back from tuition, and its raining. Ohmyy, sejukkk! Brrr, Faris dengan Amir macam ape je dekat tuition. B*ue je dua ekor ni-.- Aku dah lah duduk tengah-tengah. Agak sikit weh-.- I got C in maths, shocked me! Eh, betul ke? Usually I got D atlest. Thanked god :) And thanksss Sir Azrif, may god bless you! Saya akan ingat sampai mati jasa cikgu *cehh-.- Hahaha. So far my result now is LULUS! YIIIII~
Okay, Im out of here. Folio Sejarah mariii :'D Mane boleh online lama-lama sekarang. Budak Pmr mane boleh do. Hahaha. Kbyeee,
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Sunday, March 20
I know, you doesnt care at me now
Kalau tak nak layan aku, just straight to the point lah weh -.- Tak payah reply sepatah sepatah. It making me feel awkward. Aku baik-baik dgn kau, buat aku macam tak ade perasaan pulak en? Oh, forgot. Aku tak ada perasaan. FINE-.- Tapi tak payah lah layan aku mcm binatang weh. Apehal kau tak DELETE je nombor aku weh? Because there is no point for you to still save my number in your phone.
Pleasee, delete my number k:) Thanks dude! Bye, out of mood-.-
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Saturday, March 19
25 Things I Hate About Facebook
Watch this video out. Yeah, it is men. Truly, hahaha!
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Happy Friday People!
Hey, I just finished cleaning my room. I have a lot of things that I need to cleaned up. Mama, cant stop babling. Kakak, your room....... Ya ya ya, I know how to manage it. Just shut, gettin me stress with all your bablings. Seriously, things to be settle that known as 'homework' is totally done! Yeahh, freedom. Erhh, not actually. Forget it,
Let's looks in the bright side, I have totally forget what happened to me lastnight. Truly, tak nak ingattt! Kimakkkkk sial, I thought he will make me cheers up. But then, gahhh. Sial-.- Takpelah, kesah pulak aku kan Nana? Brrr, hahaha. So, whats up with my day today? Nothing cheer me up, besides I just shut my mouth and just doing my thing without any complaining. Orang dalam rumah ni cakap dengan aku memang sakit hati ah kan, aku bukan jawab apa pun. Malasss nak campur. It's gonna be more peace, if I just keep myself in silent mood. Yahh, that's it. So, yesterday lepak-ing with my aunt. We're gossiping about... Mhm, adalah kan. She said-- Buat apalah nak show off apa kita upgrade dekat status Facebook? Kampung jelah yang buat cengitu. The others, ambik kau! Hentam gelak besa.
And, what my aunt said is true, jiran sebelah aku anak datuk pun tak ada lah nak show off bagai apa dia beli dekat status Facebook. Kampunggan je yang buat camtu, bhahaha! Derr, it's your personal biss. Tak payah lah nak bagi satu Facebook tahu, apa yang kau upgrade. Orang cakap kau 'KAMPUNG' adolah~ Hahaha, tak mengaku aku tutututtt. Facebook public la, tak payah jadi kampung nak bagi tahu orang kau ada apa. Emberassing-.- You are older than me, but your mind... Just like a litle kids. Sorry to say, but it's the fact!
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Cukup sial
Had a such great time with my cousins and my aunty, gelak mengutok je keje kan? Hahaha, okay. Kenyang gila harini Ibu masak :'D Sedap giloo!
So, whats up with the title up there? Yeahh, cukup sial lah kan. I dont have any idea with that. Here and there problems came to me like raining k. Enough for me, I'm truly suffering! Like seriously, aku lemah gila! Baik aku mati jelah kann? Bukan ada orang kesah, moreover they really didn't need me! What for Im still alive? Ohmy~ seriously, I'm not enough to facing all this. I just cant believe, like ''Babi gila dia ni! Sedap je, KIMAKKKK!'' I cried all the time, and almost like.. Gahh, I dont know. Seriously, fobia nak keluar rumah lepas ni. Jumpa lelaki pun macam nak pengsan je. Brrrr, sebab tulah. Biar aku mati je kann? Senang sikit.
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Friday, March 18
Isnt cute? LOL
Got this superB video from my cousin from twitter, hahaha. Bahasa cute? Ohmay, sakai adalah! Hahaha. Sakit hati tengok orang type macam tu do-.- Rasa nak bako je! Hahaha, okay. Watch this video up kay people. Byee.
Posted by
syaza syahirah
This two days such a pathetic to me, yiiii! Many things just happend to me. Happy, sadness, laughter, aicehhh. Apehal emotional gila ni? Bhahaha. Mhm, kay. How I'm gonna start, oh yeah. Firstly, thanked to Ayda Rahim. I know, you are NOT reading this. Tapi aku kesah ape. Haha, trimasss lah yea. Sebab kasi kertas Bm sebelum kami-kami masuk class amik exam. Hahaha, geografi baik punye :D Soalan belakang semua tiru meniru. Hahaha, cool. Sejarah semua aku hentam. Mana baca semalam, membuta je keje. Hahaha,
Shocked me with status from one of Pmr batch for 2011. She said that---- 200 days more for Pmr batch to study. Andddd me, was like. O-Mygodddd~ Really? Time goes sooooo damn fast-.- Macam mana ni, nk study 8 subjek. Ahh, dah la dari F1 sampai la F3. Gila ke? Durhhhh
Just got back from dinner, thanks yoo mama :) Gila best, makan banyak gila. Orang stress mcm ni lah. Hahaha, kay stop. Anyway, I am completely aware that holiday is almost over. Two more days to go and back to prison hell again. I have no idea what might my midterm result will turn out. Good? Bad? A disaster? Hoping much better, okay. Wait for my post after this! Sure gelak besauuuu.
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Thursday, March 17
Early in the morning, wake up and found that my eyesss! Ohmyyy-.- Menangis je kerje Syaza ni smalam, haaa amik kau. Pagi-pagi memang tak ada mood nak mereply chatbox manusia-manusia yang menghantar dkt aku. So, aku jawab dengan ketidakkan semengahya la kan. Siapa suruh kacau-.- Hahahaha. Silly one, read this --
Silly- Hye
Me- Oh, hye
Silly- Buat apa
Me- Tidur
Silly- Tipu
Me- Online la, buat apa lagi *jangan la tanya soalan bodoh macam ni kat aku time tengah tak ada mood k.
Silly- Nk tanya boleh?
Me- Apa?
Silly- Nak jadi adik angkat.
Me- *Hung up. Sorry tak berminat lah nak 'beradik-adik angkat' ni.
Silly- Ok, paham.
Me- K.
Hahahahaha, aku dah cakap. Jangan main gila dengan aku. Hambek kau! Sumpah tak ada mood k, setannnnnn! Bye, tuition mari =D
Silly- Hye
Me- Oh, hye
Silly- Buat apa
Me- Tidur
Silly- Tipu
Me- Online la, buat apa lagi *jangan la tanya soalan bodoh macam ni kat aku time tengah tak ada mood k.
Silly- Nk tanya boleh?
Me- Apa?
Silly- Nak jadi adik angkat.
Me- *Hung up. Sorry tak berminat lah nak 'beradik-adik angkat' ni.
Silly- Ok, paham.
Me- K.
Hahahahaha, aku dah cakap. Jangan main gila dengan aku. Hambek kau! Sumpah tak ada mood k, setannnnnn! Bye, tuition mari =D
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Nothing Looking So Good
Just got back from tuition, nothing much fun. Examination is held, Amir is not around and freaking damn bored-.- Sumpah malas nak pergi besok. Errr, so next week we will back to school like usually. Homework, kena maki dengan teachers *Cool kan? Grrr,
I really not in the good mood right now cried all the timeeee whoa AWESOME, and thanks for you cause making me feels totally idiot! Big thnks :) Im tak ada, text pun entah la kan :) Haaa, freaking. Dah tak sayang nak buat macam mana, Syazaaaaaaaaaaaaa tak payah lah nak mengharap sangat do. Okay, kesah pulak aku kann. Hahaha, chill Syazaaa. Kau mana ada perasaan, orang maki kau ke, marah ke just keep smiling. And behind the smile, all in there. Keep it, tak ada guna pun kau maki ke marah ke merajuk ke kann? :) Chill, okay. See you in the next post, currently my mood is sooooo DOWN. Byee-.-
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Keep On Doing That Sayang, Iloveit k.
Definitely, I have no feelings. Yeah! AWESOMEEEEE :'D A'ah weh, aku dah biasa kann? So chill
Out of credit, eventho I have credit. Aku malas nak reply, kalau perlu je. Sumpah tak ada mood, thanks there for spoil my mood :) Puas la kau kan buat aku macam binatang. I owe you! Big thanks dude :']
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Wednesday, March 16
Tuesday, March 15
Time On, My Way To Leaving
Morning sunshine :D Hoping much better today, and so on yeah :') Raining outside there :| For me, just stay tune at home. Andd sleep. Okay, semalam tidur lambat. Texting dengan Zulfiqar Nasha saya <3 Hee, wake up in the morning and instedly grab laptop and onlineee. Kinda inactive in Fb-ying. Online pun sekejap je :'p Kalau perlu je aku online. Muahaha, tweets with Ayda Rahim sememangnya sengal -.- Kesah pulak minah ni ramai orang tweets aku en! Hahaha,
I dont know what to expected tomorrow, actually mom promised to bring us to Uncle Udin's house at Keramat. Okay, she had alot of things to do-.- So, she asked me to stick up in this jolly house. Hell yeah-.- School day is totally bored. Just waste my time surfing internet, online-ing, attending tuition. Borengggggg. Everyone in facebook stick with their status like 'Hangout' Eleeh, banyak duit boleh la-.- Aku budak baik, duduk rumah lagi bagus kan Atiqah Azman? Hee,
Pagi-pagi dah kena kacau dengan makhuk tuhan paling seksi ni en, to SyafiqahAkhiruddin----- Matilaaa kau start schl ni! Kurang asam punya chiaa, hahaha.
Posted by
syaza syahirah
The Breating Get Harder
15 March--- Facebook closed up, LIARSSSSSSS!
Okay, I'm totally gonna death with my liltle anak cina sesat :'D And, his opinion said that Facebook gonna closed soon is just 'Khabar Angin' Bijakkkk sungguh anak Zamli ni :D Hikhik, chill. Aku tak takut langsung dengan kau k :p
Andd, yeah. I'm back! I bet you are missing me aite? Well, sorry for not update these several days . There's no preety comes over my life these days :| I'm fine. Eventho, there's no one care about me :) Yeahhh, how cool was that HA-HA. Ya ya ya-.- I just finished my Cuti-cuti Belajar that my teachers gave me last week :) Okay, Syaza buang tebiat! Hahaha, jadahnyee la aku buat Hw? Rumorssss. I had just came back from collected cake that Mom ordered from Fb somewhere in Tun teja I guess, altho that is not my business. Kay, today is my beloved grandpa birthday! There's nothing much fun, the mostt is Im tired and boredddddd!
Yesterday as you'll knew, I got test in tuition. Maths, Science and English as well. Maths is the worsttt for me. English period me and Amir copying each others :'D Hikhikhik. Dann, saya cukup cemburu dengan phone Amir k-.- Nothing much to write about. And, it's raining. Shut down the laptop and have a preety nice sleep :'] Dah masuk 5 kali aku tengok phone. Tapi tak ada text masuk, kFINE. Tidur lagi bagusssss. Kbyeee
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Sunday, March 13
Keep My Heart Beeting
I just wake up from my superduper dreamer , yeah . You know what I meant . Erghhh , mengantuk gila do -.- Idk why Im so leezeyyy today . Chill on , hahaha . Sore throat + fever = AWESOME ! Seems like my dearest Atiqah Azman were in the same problem like me >.< Erghhh sumpah menyampah . Kena makan ubat , tidoooo je -.- Nak join Iwan main badminton , badan lomahhh je -.- Fine takpelah .
On top all of that , I'm still a mess . Drama still chasing me , no matter how bad I run away . Hypocrites and twofaced are making me sick . They disgust me . Screw all of them . I'm better off without them . So , today like ussually . Went to my grandmother's house at Sg. Buloh and stick up with her and we were talking about that and yeah that . She likes juicy gossip as well , kau jangan main gila . Skype pun dia pro tahu . Hahaha , I told her that examination just passed . Hell yeah , she asking me the results . With full of passion I told her 'Like as well I aint got pretty good result for...' She insteadly said 'I know you are good in Science , how about your Maths ?' And me was just like shit yaa -.- 'Dakwat pen merah cikgu habis la , tak sempat mark kertas akak lagi :D' She just smiling like she already knows my result , then she started babling.. Yayayaya -.- And she's right :] If I done for Sc what about the Mth , next year will be determine how I can get along . The add maths for sure -.- Hell yeah .
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Saturday, March 12
Happy Birthday Girl
13.3 ---> It's Nur Fatiha Khairi belated birthday yo :] Mhm , malu lah nk nyanyi . Tak ape nanti aku dgn Shahira nyanyi dpn kau kay :* Hahaha . Okay , I know you got a biggg huge present aite ? You already got your D♥ right ? Auwhhh , congrates . Im happy for you for sure :* Anyway , I hope that your 15th birthday will be a wonderfull memories kay ;] And many returns !
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Stupido Me :(
Sorry from this Budak Pubu kay :( OhKay , I know that it's my mistake . really sorry :( After this no more being so stupid like that . Just one thingg ! Forgive me eh :'(
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Friday, March 11
How's Life Turn Out
Hi :)
I've been sicked these 2weeks -.- To hell with me and my immune system . At the very beginning , I just had a sore throat . Pretty manageable , really . Ihateitsoomuch !
I now realize that we don't always get what we want , and things don't always happen the way it should . No matter how bad we hope for it , no matter how we hard we try , and even if you wish upon a star , it may not go the way you want it to . Note to self , prepare for the worst. That's the fact , don't bother denying . You're only fooling yourself . I've hurt enough people , I've caused enough damage , I've tried more than enough and I've screwed up just about enough . I think I should just slow down , enough thrills . Then again , I'm better than I was before . I feel great , I feel a whole lot better infact . Knowing that I've made my parents have less headaches about me , and I can now mix in with my siblings again pretty much satisfy me . It's like I achieved something not only I've wished for , but also my family. Laugh all you want , or say whatever you want to say . I just want a brighter future , I think you should too . Living a life like this is not that bad , not bad at all .
Im not happy enough with my result for this early test -.- As ussualy , I score in Science but not in Maths . As you'll know , I hate Maths damn much kay :) Cheers . As far I could see that many of students score in Science but not in Maths -.- Gahhh apehal hah ? Pretty please Sir Azrif ;) Ape aku nk ckp kt Mama :( Erghhh ,
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Mentally And Physically
What you did to me was unbelievably painful , although I kinda saw it coming but yeah somehow it poached my heart like way deep . Then again , why the hell am I bothering for such a typical douche ? Yes , I'm proud to say I'm over you . As much as I miss you forcing me to stay up and on the phone with you till dawn , I miss you reminding me you love me , I miss you making me feel secured , and what so ever you planned on doing to put me in such a shit hole , I still have to face the fact that I'll meet more boys like you who would have the exact same intention . Sure , I'll cry my heart out , feel like such an idiot and feeling so empty for a moment , but mark my words that I'll keep on standing . I won't fall and breakdown to pieces over something that happened to me more than just once .
Bottom line is , I'm stronger than you think I am .
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Thursday, March 10
Let Me Present To You Something , Nahhh
What is a promise of love ? And how do you keep it ? I have been pondering over this question for a night and I cried all the time last night , but have not been able to come to a proper conclusion . and it isnagging at the back of my head , refusing to let up . a promise of love is in its very essence , an oxymoron . it is a lie , the BIGGEST lie , most vicious lie one could ever tell . "I'll always love you", "I'll never leave you", "You'll always be the only one that I love"
All the things we whisper and share when we are in our relationships , all the promisesthat we make , hold true only while we are in love . as we fall helplessly into love , we , too , fall helplessly out of it . it is a feeling beyond our control . these promises are beautiful , but the moment the love dies , they shatter into a thousand glass shards . Hurting . And no matter how hard we might want to keep them , they now count for naught . in fact , keeping a promise of love that has died is a even greater sin .
Now , how do you stop yourself from making promises when you're in love ? I don't know either . So , if someone makes you a promise , listen and smile , for they have the power to make you happy and glow with warmth . but always remember . One of the most dangerous things you can ask for when it comes to love , is a warranty card . Make only the promises you can keep .
Sorry from me :(
Zulfiqar , Iloveyousoomuch dear . Nothing you do could change mt mind kay :-*
Posted by
syaza syahirah
I know you haven't seen my plain-bored-post much recently. I've been quite busy and might only have spare time at night. And on that precious moment, I would spend it for resting instead of blogging which sometimes made things pretty worse. You know what I meant. Hahaha, I cried all the time lastnight. Seems so bad duh -.- Mum woke me up early today, i think it was at 6.45am when my younger brother & sister were busy preparing to go to school. awhh, miss schoolpretty much (!) WAIT, you know that I was lying riight? i leave my bed, went to the toilet and did some self-cleaning stuff. then, go downstairs, grabbed two slices of chesdale and watched tv. hey, what's the point of me telling you this ? gahhh -___-
Imma said loud guys? Freedom from exams yeah! Ya allah, legaanya lah oii. But I got another test in tuition. Its okayy, small matter. Okay let's see this guys ''Why people sometimes like to pretend that she/heloves someone who they don't? its weird right? its supposed not to be happen to anyone. if you hate someone, just show it. don't be hypocrite by be what you not''
kay boii, Im out of here
Imma said loud guys? Freedom from exams yeah! Ya allah, legaanya lah oii. But I got another test in tuition. Its okayy, small matter. Okay let's see this guys ''Why people sometimes like to pretend that she/heloves someone who they don't? its weird right? its supposed not to be happen to anyone. if you hate someone, just show it. don't be hypocrite by be what you not''
kay boii, Im out of here
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Tuesday, March 8
Beastly -.-
Yesterday , while walking at the Rawang street with Nana and Teeha . We just passed away from Old Town , and one pretayy girl call me :- Awakk awakk , ada orang nak nombor . Haa awak laa , and I pissed it up . Hell yeah -.- hahaha . Takpe ah kak , lain kali jelah . Then , walked away like ussual . What the bloody hell is that :O Nasib akak cantik , kalau tk saya dah maki hamun dekat situ . Seems like yesterday my mood were not in a good condition . Err ,
So , today I'm taking History and English paper . Sejarah quite good , sonang ah jugak . Belakang stuck -.- Haha . Hoping that I can aim a pretayy awesome result for Science :') Hahh ' aku bajet ? Kesah pulak kau kan , aku punya suka ah -.-
So , today I'm taking History and English paper . Sejarah quite good , sonang ah jugak . Belakang stuck -.- Haha . Hoping that I can aim a pretayy awesome result for Science :') Hahh ' aku bajet ? Kesah pulak kau kan , aku punya suka ah -.-
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Monday, March 7
Sethoped Fakk
The truth is :-
Syaza Syahirah has NO feelings right now . Hoping that any feeling like loving , sadness , fumming mad and all that kinds that is STFC thingy is never form in my whole life after this . Yeah men , truly annoyed -.- Puas kau kan sekarang ? Err . Kau terasa ? Kesah pulak aku kan :') Now just keep smiling Syaza :) Bukan dapat apa pun kau mengharap gila bapak kann ? Apa kau dapat ? Mana ada apa apa wehh -.- Err , lantak ah kau
So today was the first day Im taking examination , quite good :') I thought that Mathematics subject would be the hardest ones for me to answers all the question , mak aihhh 1-15 boleh ah jawab . Pusing-pusing kertas sampai ustad pun usha je aku . Aelahh , kesah pulak ustad nie -.- Nana cakap --> Syaza cool je tekan calculator dia -.- Hahahaha , paper 2 stuck -.- Damn , nak habis masa baru aku buat . Bahasa Malaysia looking good , cikgu Ummi Najaa marks my paper until I get full marks kay :') Hahahaha , saya tahu saya nak markah full okay . Kalau tak full , mark sampai dapat . Bhahaha ,
Straight away go to tuition by Metro Bus with Nana and Teeha . Had our lunch at Kfc and waited Amir at Pustaka Rawang . Then insteadly go to tuition , saya dengar cerita dari baby saya iaitu Atiqah Azman :') Nak je lah aku lempang mamat tu do -.- Errr , dia ingat kita nie apa ? Tunggul ? Fuck off , lelaki same je sume -.-
Tomorrow I will taking English Language test and Sejarah , oh men -.- Esok Sejarah :O
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Sunday, March 6
Saturday, March 5
Stuck Into It
So tommorow was the day , yeah men ! Aku nak suara aku yang dulu -.- Suara nie erghhhhhh , fever and so on please stay away from me :'( Pretty pleaseeee :) *keningkening* Tolong la , aku nak jawab periksa dgn tenang . Tak nak batuk batuk duh , sumpahlah tak selesa -___- Errr
Shahira ----> Best of luck okay for your singing competition, you go girl :')
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Hoping Much Better
I'm tired of people telling me what to do and trying to live up to everyone's expectations . FUCK OFF ! This is my life . Not yours . Don't worry about what I do -.-
Fuck the haters , the assholes , the people that get you , the whinners , the ones who cheat you , the people who pretend to be your friend , the gready , the deceiving , those who purposaly rude , the hypocritical . The people dont appeciate you
You swear you know me because you heard my name . But if you really met me , you would know the game . Drama never ends . And haters are all the same . They smile to your face and spit on your name
Posted by
syaza syahirah
Friday, March 4
For all the facebookers ,
I was thinking to deactivate my account facebook for this several weeks Kalau Teeha deactive for sure saya akan deactive jugak :'D Mintak ampun mintak maaf ye :p Im gonna be sooooo busy this lately . So , I will insteadly active in blogger . Tapi tak janji setiap hari update :p hahahaha . Keep smiling guys :') Chill
So nextweek I have my March test , seems so cool -.- Hoping that Im doing great for all the test :') Aminnnnnnnnnnnn . First subject is Bm and Maths I think , keep doing great Syaza . You can do it , after Mr. Azrif teach me . My mind and my eyes were just like "Whoaaaa" Now I get it very clear , but Im not so sure .
Membanggakan , ecehh bangga lah sangat -.- dekat tuition sir tanya , kasi 4 tempat yang proses Kaolin . Haaa , korang tahu ? Hahahaha , for the first anouncement (!) Syazaa dpt jwb weh . Bangga lah sngt -.- tengok notes yg sir kasi mmg boleh jwb :'D Semua tak take notes , aku sorang je yang alert :')
Well I think I've "Gangguan sexual" dekat tuition , hahahahahha . Na'aah , gurauuu weh :p Okay , baiklah korang tutup blog aku nie cepat . Sebab aku dah tak tahu nak type apo lagi . Kay thanks there :')
Posted by
syaza syahirah
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