Today I woke up kinda early at 6:00am although I slept at 12 -_- anyway 2011 tersangatt lah kejam ! first school kinda suck for me . Tak sukaaa ==' serius . Hishh , cepat cepat lah habis F3 , menyusahhh kan ==' btw , I thought all F3 students were in one block . Because last year Mahani said "satu block tu awak yang punya tahun depan" cerita gebang je kau -_- last last kelas Melor kena campak dkt block waja diri ape kejadah tah name block tu . Our class is next too 3Melati and the other one I dont really care . Kelas bawah , aku kesa ape *jahat gila -_- tak sistematik langsong . Main campak je kelas kelas mane kau suka , err . Pagi pagi ada assembly bagai , Syazana and me were in not the good condition . Sakit perut , I think its because Nana gemuruh nak belajar kot
Lets look the suck part , we all didnt ate anything in recess today . Aku malas nak makan nnt sakit perut susah :O Tchr Bm asked us to do one essay , more than 190 babe' and we have to sent it by tomorrow . Menyesal aku ckp okay tadi , bytheway this year me and Shahira have new determination . That its
1. Siap kan karangan , jgn ada yang tak complete
2. Belajar semaksimum mungkin
3. Hantar buku bila cikgu suruh hantar
4. Kurangkan mengutuk cikgu
5. Chill and cool
6. Jgn makan fast food *no no no
7. Tumpukan sepenuh perhatian masa belajar
8. Banyak bertanya benda mengarut kt cikgu
9. Teruskan dgn hobi kami thats it laughing until hurt somemore
10. Kacau cikgu Maths kiteorng . Cikgu Khaw *gila gelabah cikgu nie HAHA
I have some problem with my class buddies , apehal diorng cmpor budak yang haaa paham paham jelah , I think a few teacher kinda not intrest to teach 3Melor . Sbab murid nyaa nakal yaang amat , sent those creepy STFU people to their own class . Tak payah lah cmpor , tak pasal pasal yang semangat nak belajar tak semangat nk belajar .
Nak sekolah petang balik !