So as today is the second week school , like usually we laugh all the time :D Haha but oh yea well before forgotten , I had fun laughing my ass off with Atiqah , Teeha and Shahira :) during the Maths periods . We just watching all exaggeration motion that my teacher Maths do in class , Saya blurrr -.- teacher Saya pun blurr jugak Saya tak pandai nak explain kan dekat kamu Hahahaha , semua gelak besaa . In Inglish Language periods teacher was asking someone to be volintier to say who was the person that you admire ? Then I was laughing *non stop Suddenly Shahira said
-Syaza Syazaaa
-Who was you admire ?
-Haa Syaza Syazza tchr , budak kelas Anggerik
-Babi kau -.-
Shahira And me
-*Big laugh
P/s : Shahiraa you looks soo damn cute when your are worried because you've just left you school van =D Hahahahahahaha Padan mukaa kau , tuhan bayar cash kt kauu !