Hey bloggie ;) I haven't updated my blog for nearly a week now *tipu tipu I've been busy . Well not really that busy , but I just didn't have time lately . Ahaa' yesterday I went to Rawang town just hanging around with my hot peeps . Babe' really have fun doee , dah laa hujan main sental jee . Hahaha , first we decide to loitering and gossiping in Ice Time . Guess what ? Kdai tutup ==' siot je . Then , we joined Shahira to Lovely Choice . Carik ape bnde tah , ikut ajee . Catdog rain down , Ice Time closed . So we decide have our lunch at Mcd , gilaa kau hujan hujan nk jln ? Final decision kfc time ! Hahaha . Eating while gossip lahh kn , buat ape lagi . We were gossiping about .. Haha secret lah doee . Nana bersemangat gilaa nk karoke , I was thinking
Me : Minah nie tak nmpk ke kt luar hujan ? gila ape nk redah
Nana : Alahh , sental je . Aku nk lipat kain 4:30 nie
The rest : Ha' okay lahh
Okay , I think I dont have to tell you about this part . Cause Teeha had tell this awesome part in her blog , have a look . Karoke as well Shahira and Nana mmg semangat gilaa . Haha , then balik . Pitiful for Shahira , she had been a-waiting for her mak anjang to picked her at mcD alone . Could you imagine ? Grr .