Friday, December 31
Mission Accomplished
One of the things that we couldn't forget throughout our lives is , memories . Furthermore if it is attached to the people we feel affection for the most in this world . I had the very precious weekend that I had lost since only - god - knows today . I woke up at 11:30am and insteadly grab my phone . And texted Shahira , okayy she give greenlights to come and joined us hang just around Rawang town . Syazana said "Nie last utk 2010 , lpas nie focus PMR" Ohoiii besttt do , Nazurah is coming with us . Because Syazana has no one to accomponied her to bus stand , Teeha is not coming with us this time . She kinda busy with school preparations . Its okay , myb next time . We had our lunch at Mcd , satu je yang dalam otak aku "Gilaa ramai orng :O" like usually Syazana and Shahira gian mahu menyanyi . 2jam diorng melalak , then time is on 5:30 . everyone was rushing to packed home . Haa Nazurah takot mummy die :O tak habis habis cakap "Weyh Nana jalan cepat sikit" Takot mummy ye kakNazurah kite ? Then Shahira said just straight away go to Kfc . Because her sista was dating with her boyfriend there , so on we walked to Kfc and her sista was not there , amboii akak nak hide and seek pulak yee . Then her sista called , she said that she is going to IceTime . So insteadly we go there , kakak die takda lagi . Haiyaa , then I suggest to her . Lepak dulu makan ice cream smbil tunggu kakak kau habis date , panas niee do . Then she agree , eat eat eat and eat snap picture then her sista came . Lpas tu balik , seram do kakak kau bwk kereta . Tp bestt ! I was home at 7:05pm huihh lambat gilaa , tp chillax je . Mama pergi Tesco Selayang . Hahaha , Syazana next time lepak IceTime jelah . Mcd crowded lah ==' Atiqah and Isyraf , gilaa comel do korang ! Tee same kott . Cotaa <3
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syaza syahirah