Starting my life with a big smile . All sudden , it become worst and my mood is not in actually *12 am . It's all because what ?! Nevermind I'll write a lillt only because , this could be my personal problem . So , its not good for me to tell you what it is all . One silly girl starting a good chatting with me , at first I know . She might had a big deal that she wanna told me up , okay . Thats was okay at first , but thats enough silly ! tahu lah aku nk jage bf aku , kau sebok apehal ?! anything goes wrong with your ass yaa ? ERR -.- better aku clash kn . Is that you want and you hunt for . Thank You for Teeha Atiqa for make me feel more better :) love yoou <3 Atiqa suggest me to do something to him , i'll do it later . Malas pulak nk on fone dohh -.- Lets go to the bright side , I'm gonna make some crazy things after this . About that silly girl ? Aku dah bwt die mcm tak wujud kt memory aku . Fullstop ! She just make me feel so terrible and annoyed . Kau pikir kau bgus sngt lah ? *nana ckp haha . ERR mcm ape je minah tu -,- After this I think I just give my email and psswrd to him . And read all she sent to me , aku malas nk terangkn . From my infrence about this silly girl is , just straight to the point lah derr , tkpyh nk plastic ngn aku . Im not idiot yet -.- First ckp lain . tibe tibe ckp pasal bnde laen . Ohmaygodd , ihatethat ! Fu*k off -,-