Monday, December 27
Ready In ?
Good morning sunshinee :D mcm biasa , online facebook yang semakin boringgg ==' haa , nie nak cerita niee , bkn nk mengumpat ke apelahh kann . But its the fact ! *cehh . Okayy , aku mane suka orng hantar chat bagai bagai nak kenal lah apelah ==' adoyaii lemahh eden . Dah la tak kenal , profile picture selagi yang boleh kau copy kat google image sume kau nk amik , letak lahh gambar sendiri nyahh . Adelahh satu minah nie , post kt wall aku . Alamakk profile picture dah la tegang habessss HAHA' then she asked me to teach her how to edit . Hoii minah , sorry . Im not intrested to teach you ! Harharhar , Im not a pro edited for sure . ERR pagi pagi buta nk kacau aku , ape kes ? Dah laa aku tak kenal kauu ==' Lagi nk rosak kan wall aku . For sure , I will delete it later . Haiyaa , rosak mata aku tngok wall aku . Kalau orng tak kenal aku akn reply dgn jawapan yang agak kurang hajar . Is not that rude I think , just somemore offensive when you read my answer . Mcm orng takda respon , hahahaha' . Tak kenal jgn pandai pandai nk hantar anything kt wall aku , kang majal je tak pasal pasal . Muahaha , maybe aku kenal kau . Tp aku malas nak layan kauu *bukan sombong ==' But in this case , I dont really know who you are ==' But this girl has a pretty good brain *hehh not actually . After , I has done post on her wall . She deleted all her post in my wall . Whoaa :o bagus betul kau kann . Tak payah susah susah aku nk delete ,
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syaza syahirah