Sunday, December 26
Getting Really Fat ?
Heyyah , as usually . Tidur lambat , elehh mcm tk biasa pulak . Last night I watched some tutoriol from youtube about editing thingy . Mak aihh , susaaaa gilaaa -__- tp dh try is not that hard I think . Texting with Atiqa about how to do that superB edit , wah wah wahh . Saya suda dapat catch up ! Hahaha *bangga bangga . But a bit messy , al maklum . I'm still learning learning andd learning in this software , Tati has upload some of our picture using her lomo camera last night . Auhhh awesome lah siott . Tweets with Nana is really part of my schedule :P kelakar habisss , Ohh malaysia win right last night ? Yess , sejak bile aku layan bola pun aku taktaw ==' Haritu mek Arni call , haishh mimpi ape die call aku tetibe ? Harharhar , weyhh rindu nk gossip ngn kau doee . Kau tngokk masuk skolah hbes kau aku kerja kann HAHA ' Teeha kill her ! she said Im getting fat ohh ==' Hehh ,
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syaza syahirah