VITURE FANC fuckk off lah wey ! boley pegi mati -.- kau pikir bgus sngt lah ? errr ,
wahai warga semekar , jika anda terserempak or terjumpa dngn ini fuker Ahlif Ahnaf ini sila lah tunjuk fuck or maki hamun dia . syaza kasi lesen HAHA ! maki je dia , sumpahh lah dia nie mmg nk mati doeee !
*geli aku tngokkk ! HAHA
I Have Thought That So ,
I dont know whats wrong with you bitch , just take care of your own ass , and i take care mine -,- kau tanye aku dngn muke bodoh sombong kau tu
# korang tk date ke ?
=ade , asl ?
#tkdelahh , aku tnye je .
=ou , okay then ( bwt muke ) kau ade msalah ke ? or else , kau kne red att*ck ? -.-
#hahh ? mane ade ( bwt muke )
=fine , ( kau pikir kau sorang je ke boley bwd muke ? #*/! aku pun boley lahh -,- errr )
*yg biru tu aku
I knew that kau pernah batak ngn bf aku , *Laughinggg Even skarng pun kau still having SS problem . But who cares ? I tell you what , I think you just need attention , but people ignore you tottaly , HAHA pitiful for you bitch ! You think with your fuck-ng funny I'll laugh at all ? Not at all . Errr . You know what , most of the 2 *#/ and my superb class mates , hate you ! Thank You . Kau boley pegi mati lahh -,-