yess , papa away to Bidor for 2-3 days . FREEDOM ! *laughingg , but he bring lappy . Kedekut -,- klau nk pinjam mama pnye , sure she will say "dont care bout the lappy , just go with your book kakak . Focus to your final exam" and i will say "ma , please lend the lappy for me just for awhile" and mama will smashed me up " your awhile just like a years kakak ," aiyerr . kedekut -,- errr , this 2-3 days my phone just vibrate like usually . Yesterday , papa just topped up 20 for me . I was like "mimpi ape orng tua nie ? HAHA " Teeha said "Aku geram lah bile tngok topp up aku ade lagi" i said "Kau gile ke ? Aku lagi suke top up aku lmbt habes" both laughingg HAHA Yesterday my hot peeps told me about horror story happends in their old school . Whoaa , after listened it , I was like "Apehal diorng cerite ? Mcm mne nk naik ruma nnt ? haduhh " luckily theres nothing happend while im climbing the stairs *Big laugh . Smpai je ruma . Aku terus bukak pintu . Bodoe benor ank johari 2 nie , kunci pintu apehal , nk mgetok satu hal korang dlm ruma nk bkk pintu , banggang ! Masok je aku maki die *jahat gyle aku HAHA act , aku takot kt luar tu . Dh lah gelap nk mampos , stiap hari aku asyik tersadong bnde then jatuh , nasib tkd orng nmpk HAHA .
Atiqa just gave me some new song :) Thanks babe' . You'll have to read this dailog
atiqah : weyy , aku ade lagu bru
syaza : ape ?
atiqah : klau aku kasi taw , sure kau addicted gyle ngn lagu nie
syaza : APE ? kasi lah tau
atiqah : tk bolee
nnty ko asyk mnynyi je at telinge ak
syaza : alahhhh , kasi lah tau
atiqah : tak mau lah
syaza : hmmm :/ bg lahhh !
atiqah : HAHA sesuai utk buda2 kpel niee
syaza : kasi lah tau !
atiqah : sweet gyle .
syaza : ksi lah tau
atiqah : aku nk out , mama aku srh mandy
syaza : alaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , kasi lah tau
atiqah : tnggu aku addicted lagu laen , bru aku ksi kt kau lgu tuu
syaza : how dare you ?
atiqah : HAHAH
aku tnggu babe ! Jgn bwd2 lupe plak nk kasi lagu tu HAHA
fyi , atiqah azman mmg suke mmbuli syaza syahirah ! Hobby die HAHA :DD